First tuition …

Long time no update hah?
Last semester I registered for a tutoring service in Murdoch, which assigns students with high academic results to those who need tutoring in those units. When I was at home last month I got an email from a lady who was looking for a tutor in Economics, so I contacted her. I make no charge for this since if I do 40 hours of free tutoring it can be added to my transcript later . Also I don’t dare to charge anything since I am not even sure how to teach them, and this is also an opportunity to make good friends and improving my English. So … I’m very happy to do
Yesterday was the first time I met the lady. She’s in her thirties, being an external and part-time student in Murdoch, also working full-time (must be very busy). She told me she can do well in writing and stuff but not good at Maths and logical thinking, that’s why Economics is her fear and she needs a tutor. Well, she just has some problems with graphs and formulars, but she’s very hardworking, so I think she will get through this (with the help of me of course, haha). And she’s also extremely nice as well (kept saying thank me all the time). It’s good to have a friend like that
Well seeing her helps me get a little more positive. She said what a bright future I have ahead, and I realise she was right too. I will have graduated by the age of 21, lots of opportunities awaiting. So now … I’d better know how lucky I am, and study hard